Friday, July 15, 2011

Mount Remote folder using SSH(sshfs)

It’s possible to mount any Remote directory using SSH with sshfs utility(command). It’s Very Easy. This Steps you can follow for Fedora 10, Ubuntu 8.10 and Ubuntu 9.04 Linux.
First Let us know something about SSHFS.

What is SSHFS?

SSHFS allows you to conect to any host that supports SSH and mount the remote directory in your local directory. This means you will be able to access files as if they were on your own system and best of all the transactions are encrypted using SSH.
This is much faster, easier, and more effecient than using FTP. Still Some people are actually using regular FTP to transfer files. The problem with FTP is that not only are your files sent in clear text but username and password are also in plain sight for anyone to can see it.

For Fedora 10 :-

Step 1 :- Login as a root by executing following command from user.
[itsolutions@]$ su – root
Step 2 :- Execute Following command to install SSHFS on your Fedora Box.
[root@]# yum -y install sshfs*
Step 3:- Once Installation Done Login as a user now.Now Create One Local Directory(Where you want to mount Remote Directory). (You can also mount to your existing directory)[root@]# su – itsolutions
[itsolutions@]$ mkdir ~/SSHFS
Step 4:- Now Execute command to mount remote directory into Local Directory.
[itsolutions@]$ sshfs root@ ~/SSHFS. (sshfs username@ssh-server-ip:/directory-you-want-mount
Step 5 :- It will ask your for password of user which you have provided.Now Check your ~/SSHFS ( Local Directory where you mounted SSH Remote Folder).You will able to see Your all files into ~/SSHFS

For Ubuntu 8.10 and Ubuntu 9.04

Step 1 :- Login as a root by executing following command from user.
itsolutions@:~$ su – root
Step 2 :- Execute Following command to install SSHFS on your Fedora Box.
root@:~# apt-get install sshfs -y
Step 3:- Once Installation Done Login as a user now.Now Create One Local Directory(Where you want to mount Remote Directory). (You can also mount to your existing directory) su – itsolutions
itsolutions@:~$ mkdir ~/SSHFS
Step 4:- Now Execute command to mount remote directory into Local Directory.
itsolutions@:~$ sshfs root@ ~/SSHFS. (sshfs username@ssh-server-ip:/directory-you-want-mount
Step 5 :- It will ask your for password of user which you have provided.Now Check your ~/SSHFS ( Local Directory where you mounted SSH Remote Folder).You will able to see Your all files into ~/SSHFS