Friday, July 15, 2011

Login as a root from GUI on Fedora 15

Fedora 15 released and I am posting solution for root lovers who like to login with root. Fedora 15 root login is exactly same like Fedora 14 root login.
WARNING :- Its not at all good to login as root from GUI. It’ DANGEROUS. BUT if some one wants to know that how to login as a root from GUI then follow the instructions.
In Fedora 15 You cannot login as a root from gui. By Default, only Normal users are allowed to login from gui mode.
I Managed to Login as a root from GUI on Fedora 15. Follow these steps and you will able to Login as a root from GUI on Fedora 15
If You want to login as a root from GUI in Fedora 15 then you have to edit something like some files which are located to /etc/pam.d/
Open your Te rminal from Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal
Now Login as a root from your terminal
Step 1 :- []$ su – root
Step 2:- Now go to your /etc/pam.d/ directory.
[root@ask4itsolutions]# cd /etc/pam.d/
Then first take a backup of gdm file
cp gdm gdm.bkp ( always take backup if anything goes wrong you can correct it by original file)
Step 3 :- Now Open gdm file in your favourite editor. I am using vi as my editor.
[root@ask4itsolutions pam.d]# vi gdm
Find and Comment or remove this line into your gdm file
auth required user != root quiet
Step 4 :- Save & Exit From that File. ( In Fedora10 Till step 4 is enough to Login as a root from GUI but for Fedora 15 you need one more file to edit otherwise you cannot Login as a root even though you edited gdm file).
Step 5 :- Here is the additional file that you need to edit and that file name is gdm-password. Open gdm-password file in your favourite editor. I am using vi as my editor.
Then first take a backup of gdm-password file
cp gdm-password gdm-password.bkp ( always take backup if anything goes wrong you can correct it by original file)
[ pam.d]#vi gdm-password
Find and Comment or remove this line into your gdm file
auth required user != root quiet

Step 6 :- Save & Exit from File. Now Logout and Try to Login as a root user. Now you are able to Login as a root user from GUI in Fedora 15.