Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Performing network OS installation (HTTP, NFS, FTP)

A. Preparing the installation server (
#yum install httpd
#mkdir -p /var/www/html/install
Method1 #mount -o loop /path/to/Centos5.iso /var/www/html/install (for ISO image)
Method2 #mount -o loop /dev/hdc /var/www/html/install (for CD-ROM)
#vi /etc/http/conf.d/install.conf
Alias /var/www/html/install "/install"

Options Indexes
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
#service httpd restart
Next, make sure that the /install directory is shared via HTTP, and verify
client access by the following commands:
B. Installing the CentOS5 client using HTTP
Set BIOS to boot from CD-ROM
Boot from boot.iso or the CentOS5 DVD
boot:linux askmethod                             # text mode by default
Choose a Language --> English --> OK
Keyboard Type --> us --> OK
Installation Method --> HTTP --> OK
Configure TCP/IP --> Enable IPv4 support --> DHCP --> OK
HTTP Setup --> Web site name: --> CentOS directory: /install --> OK
Next, the "Welcome" dialog appears. Follow the steps in the Redhat installation document.
2. NFS
A. Preparing the installation server (
#yum install nfs-utils
#mkdir /install
Method1 #cp /path/to/Centos5.iso /install/Centos5.iso
Method2 #mount -o loop /dev/hdc /install (for CD-ROM)
#vi /etc/exports
/install   *(ro, no_root_squash)
#service portmap restart
#service nfs restart
Be sure to test the NFS share by the following command:
#showmount -e localhost
#exportfs -v
B. Installing the CentOS5 client using NFS
Set BIOS to boot from CD-ROM
Boot from boot.iso or the CentOS5 DVD
boot:linux askmethod               #GUI mode by default; you can specify the text mode by typing
boot:linux askmethod text
Choose a Language --> English --> OK
Keyboard Type --> us --> OK
Installation Method --> NFS image --> OK
Configure TCP/IP --> Enable IPv4 support --> DHCP --> OK
NFS Setup --> NFS server name: --> CentOS directory: /install --> OK
Next, the "Welcome" dialog appears. Follow the steps in the Redhat installation document.
3. FTP
A. Preparing the installation server (
#yum install vsftpd
#mkdir -p /var/ftp/pub/install
Method1. #mount -o loop /path/to/Centos5.iso /var/ftp/pub/install (for ISO image)
Method2. #mount -o loop /dev/hdc /var/ftp/pub/install (for CD-ROM)
#service vsftpd restart
Next, make sure that the /var/ftp/pub/install directory is shared via FTP, and verify
client access by typing
B. Installing the CentOS5 client using FTP
Set BIOS to boot from CD-ROM
Boot from boot.iso or the CentOS5 DVD
boot:linux askmethod                              # text mode by default
Choose a Language --> English --> OK
Keyboard Type --> us --> OK
Installation Method --> FTP --> OK
Configure TCP/IP --> Enable IPv4 support --> DHCP --> OK
FTP Setup --> FTP site name: --> CentOS directory: /pub/install --> OK
Next, the "Welcome" dialog appears. Follow the steps in the Redhat installation document.
Note: the boot.iso can be found in the images folder on the Centos.iso.