Friday, August 26, 2016

8 Tips to Protect Your Phone and Money From Hacking

A growing number of Americans use mobile phones to access their bank accounts, giving savvy criminals an opportunity to remotely hack into devices and steal banking credentials. The following are some tips that can help protect your device – and your money.
+ Even though your phone likely came with software that is on the lookout for bad guys, you may want to install an anti-malware program – particularly if you use the device for banking transactions.
+ Know what you are installing. Only download apps from official sites and only download what you really need.
+ Be careful about using open wifi connections in public places if you are conducting personal transactions, especially financial ones.
+Don’t mess with your phone’s operating system. There may be a good reason why it won’t let you download a particular app.
+ Use additional authentication features that are offered on the phone, such as a fingerprint. If you’re using a password, make sure that it is different from your non-banking passwords.
+ Don’t click on unusual text messages, particularly if you don’t recognize the sender.
+ Keep track of your bank accounts and keep an eye out for unauthorized transactions. Even a seemingly small withdrawal could be the work of a hacker who may be testing the credentials with the intent of doing more damage at another time.
+ Quickly report any unauthorized transaction to your bank. The sooner you do so, the more likely you are to get your money back without complications.