Sunday, February 19, 2012

VMWare: Windows 7 Ethernet is Missing

I recently created a VM for Windows 7 and proceeded to waste hours trying to figure out why the Ethernet controller was missing from the Device Manager.  Installing VMWare Tools didn't fix the issue, tracking down the correct Ethernet driver didn't help; other people that created the same Virtual Machine were not having problems (of course), just me.  Fixing the problem is easier than you may think...
  1. Shut Down your Virtual Machine completely, suspending it will NOT work!
  2. Find the main .vmx file for your Virtual Machine, right click, and choose Edit
  3. Look for the line:
    1ethernet0.addressType = "generated"
  4. Once you've located the line, ABOVE it enter the following code:
    1ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000"
  5. Save the file and power on your Windows 7 Virtual Machine.  It should automatically detect the network adapter and install the components.
  6. Join your domain (if necessary)